Owner Resources
Information You Need

We offer a wide range of property management services to fit your needs as a landlord or home owner. We tailor our services to ensure that you have the highest level of service for your home.
- Owner FAQ
- View Monthly Owner Statement
- Add Money to your Owner Account
- ORPM Survey
- Download Owner's Handbook
- W-9
- Direct Deposit Form
- Property Info Sheet
- Lead Based Paint Disclosure
- Affiliated Business Disclosure
- Shop & Compare Insurance Rates
- Track Potential Storms
- Resident Benefits Package
Avoid Foreclosure If you're facing foreclosure, talk to your lender! Then call us or email orpm@407rentals.com see if a short sale or short refinance is right for you.
Orlando Realty & Property Management does business in accordance with the Fair Housing Act and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, age, sex, familial status, marital status, disability, color, national origin, sexual orientation, lawful source of income, or actual or perceived status as a victim of domestic violence, dating violence or stalking or any other protected basis.